Filling Cups with Batter
Diferentes formas de agregar al molde, la mezcla de un batido cuando vamos a hornear cupcakes. Tomado de
For a consistent cupcake size, fill cups 1/2 to 2/3 full. The best way we've found to add the batter is to squeeze it into the cup using a decorating bag. Other good ways to fill - use an ice cream scoop, a large spoon or a measuring cup.

Option 1: Decorating Bag
The best way we've found to add the batter is to squeeze it into the cup using a decorating bag . Just fill the bag about halfway with batter, and squeeze perfect portions into your cups. Using a bag will give you better control, especially when making mini cupcakes. The bag keeps batter from spilling over the cavities.
Option 2: Ice Cream Scoop
We suggest using a standard ice cream scoop in half-circle shape with lever handle. Fill scoop with batter and place in baking cup and repeat until cavity is filled ½ to 2/3 full.
Option 3: Spoon
We suggest using a heaping tablespoon. It will take 3 to 4 tablespoons of batter to fill cavity ½ to 2/3 full.
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